Let'sChatWith Mascot

Let'sChatWith Mascot - Friendly brand representation - To showcase Let’sChatWoof, the mascot that represents the brand in a friendly and emotional way
Project overview

Let’sChatWoof is the Mascot of Let'sChatWith that, does event support, engages attendees, and represents the brand in a friendly and emotional way that allows users to feel friendly with the app.

  • Create a mood-board to find style, form, presentation
  • Suggest some sketches of dog as the selected mascot
  • Draw the selected mascot fitting the main brand guidelines of the Let’sChatWith app
  • Create a set of the Mascot's emotional posing for different use cases
  • Transform the Mascot into the logo for Let'sChatWith to expand the brand usage
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Photoshop

As a result, we created a Mascot that is used in different use cases over the product and offline events. The Mascot emotionally responds to the user. It helps to communicate more willingly at conferences and also creates a playful mood in branding.


Sketches and style forming

During the design process, we created many options to choose from that represent different feelings and styles of the Mascot. After several iterations with the customer, we decided on the best option.

Sketches and Style Forming - Initial concept sketches - To showcase the initial concept sketches that laid the foundation for the mascot design
Sketches and Style Forming - Initial concept sketches - To showcase the initial concept sketches that laid the foundation for the mascot design

Sketches and style forming

During the design process, we created many options to choose from that represent different feelings and styles of the Mascot. After several iterations with the customer, we decided on the best option.

Sketches and style forming

During the design process, we created many options to choose from that represent different feelings and styles of the Mascot. After several iterations with the customer, we decided on the best option.

Sketches and Style Forming - Initial concept sketches - To showcase the initial concept sketches that laid the foundation for the mascot design
Sketches and Style Forming - Final design selection - To represent the final selection of the best mascot design after several iterations

Sketches and style forming

During the design process, we created many options to choose from that represent different feelings and styles of the Mascot. After several iterations with the customer, we decided on the best option.

Sketches and Style Forming - Initial concept sketches - To showcase the initial concept sketches that laid the foundation for the mascot designSketches and Style Forming - Final design selection - To represent the final selection of the best mascot design after several iterations

Sketches and style forming

During the design process, we created many options to choose from that represent different feelings and styles of the Mascot. After several iterations with the customer, we decided on the best option.

Sketches and Style Forming - Initial concept sketches - To showcase the initial concept sketches that laid the foundation for the mascot designSketches and Style Forming - Final design selection - To represent the final selection of the best mascot design after several iterations

Mascot Design

Following the brand guidelines and based on the selected sketch, we have got a playful, cute character that elicits an emotional response from the users. This approach has allowed the product to engage the end users better.

Mascot Design - Brand guidelines adherence - To showcase how the mascot design followed brand guidelines
Mascot Design - Brand guidelines adherence - To showcase how the mascot design followed brand guidelines

Mascot Design

Following the brand guidelines and based on the selected sketch, we have got a playful, cute character that elicits an emotional response from the users. This approach has allowed the product to engage the end users better.

Mascot Design

Following the brand guidelines and based on the selected sketch, we have got a playful, cute character that elicits an emotional response from the users. This approach has allowed the product to engage the end users better.

Mascot Design - Brand guidelines adherence - To showcase how the mascot design followed brand guidelines
Mascot Design - Playful and cute character - To depict the creation of a playful and cute character that appeals to users

Mascot Design

Following the brand guidelines and based on the selected sketch, we have got a playful, cute character that elicits an emotional response from the users. This approach has allowed the product to engage the end users better.

Mascot Design - Brand guidelines adherence - To showcase how the mascot design followed brand guidelinesMascot Design - Playful and cute character - To depict the creation of a playful and cute character that appeals to usersMascot Design - Consistent brand identity - To showcase the consistency of the mascot design with the overall brand identity Mascot Design - Versatility in application - To illustrate the versatility of the mascot design for various applications, including marketing, product UI, and social media

Mascot Design

Following the brand guidelines and based on the selected sketch, we have got a playful, cute character that elicits an emotional response from the users. This approach has allowed the product to engage the end users better.

Mascot Design - Brand guidelines adherence - To showcase how the mascot design followed brand guidelinesMascot Design - Playful and cute character - To depict the creation of a playful and cute character that appeals to usersMascot Design - Consistent brand identity - To showcase the consistency of the mascot design with the overall brand identity Mascot Design - Versatility in application - To illustrate the versatility of the mascot design for various applications, including marketing, product UI, and social media
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As a result, we created a Mascot that is used in different use cases over the product and offline events. The Mascot emotionally responds to the user. It helps to communicate more willingly at conferences and also creates a playful mood in branding.


I've worked with WebFolks for years and their work always exceeds my expectations! I highly recommend them for everything from UI/UX to illustration and concepts.

Tracy Lee
CEO at This Dot Labs

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